Notice of Annual Meeting of the Mohawk Hudson Region SCCA

The 2020 Annual Meeting of the Mohawk Hudson Region, Sports Car Club of America, will take place pursuant to the Bylaws of the Region and the New York State Not-For-Profit Law, Saturday, the 4th day of January, 2020, at the Albany German American Club, 32 Cherry Street, Albany, New York, 12205, following socializing and an informal dinner.

The order of business will include election of officers for 2020 (all current officers have agreed to run again), the annual Treasurer’s report, the annual membership report, and the Regional Executive’s summary of the year’s accomplishments. Following will be the two Annual Awards (see the REport, December 2019 issue of The Knock Off), Road Racing awards, the Solo Autocross awards, and Volunteer awards. Every MoHud member in good standing is entitled to a vote on any question brought to the meeting floor.

Nominations for officers may be made from the floor, subject to agreement of the nominee. Any member wishing to nominate another for the Annual Awards should contact Trish Bucci <> or Diane Malecki <> .

Cashbar, finger food and the 2ndAnnual MoHud Runoffs will begin at 6:00pm. Dinner will begin at 7:00, Annual Meeting and Awards at approximately 7:45, and the program will conclude about 9:30.

Cost of dinner is $25 for adults and $10 for children under 12. Reservations are required; checks to “MoHud SCCA” should be sent to:

EJ Smith, 7 Oneida Court, Slingerlands, NY 12159

Questions? Contact EJ <> or voicemail at 518-417-2182