MoHud cars needed for the SAM Spring Car Show – May 14, 2016

It’s time again to line up some MoHud competition cars for the annual Spring Car Show held by the Saratoga Auto Museum.  This year’s event is to be held Saturday, May 14th, 2016.  Participants who offer their cars for the MoHud display should bring their competition car – club racing or Solo – to the SAM between 8am and 8:30am on that Saturday.  We’ll arrange the cars for display and then man an EZ-Up to help promote MoHud, SCCA, and our events.  Participants will receive a pass for the main car show, and are asked to help man the MoHud booth so participants can take turns visiting the main car show to see the cars and grab some food.  Cars should be either visually or otherwise interesting: if you’re not sure if your car qualifies, just contact EJ Smith and we’ll discuss it.  The event winds down around 3-4pm or so and can be a fun time.  Rain dates have typically been the next day, Sunday.

If you’re interested in participating or have questions, please contact EJ Smith at, or 518.858.4082.  Thanks!